How to NOT lose your stuff

How to NOT lose your stuff

Are you ready to learn How to NOT lose your stuff? How many times have you been in that awkward and frustrating situation when you DO NOT KNOW WHERE YOUR STUFF IS?
How many times have you paid AGAIN for an item that was already yours?
Well, it certainly happens to me a lot. And if you want to know how I deal with it, just read on.

1. Try to identify what you lose the most.

Once you find that, find a place for it. Let us take your keys for example. Designate a place for them when you enter the house, in the hallway. This can be a small decorative plate or a hanger on the wall. This place is always easy to find, the keys are quickly at hand and you are ready to go!

2. Organize your belongings. I know it will not take many days, who has time for that? Then start decluttering, even your closet.

Researchers have shown that the less you have, the happier you are. When you have a lot of things in your home, everything becomes chaotic. Sometimes it’s hard to part with an item because we are emotionally attached to it. But you do not have to go through with it, donate it! If something no longer brings you joy, do not be afraid to part with it.

3. Do not put your phone on silent, especially when you are out in the evening.

Phones may be on the list of most wanted lost items. Imagine losing your photos, your contacts, your online bank accounts! I do not even want to think about that. When you are out and about, do not leave it, do not keep it in the back pocket of your jeans, and find a safe place.

4.Make it easy for people to return your stuff to you.

Use a Find Owner Tag, yes! These days even kids are keen on technology and QR codes, so why get left behind? Lose your glasses and let them come back to you! Please remember that the stickers only work for items. If you have lost your boyfriend/girlfriend, sorry buddy!

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